Friday, October 25, 2013

Image Source: Minden City Herald, July 13, 1934, Page 2


            A pretty wedding took place at the Latter Day Saint church here on Sunday afternoon, when Miss Ruth M. Volz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Volz of this place became the bride of Mr. Emerson H. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood of Harbor Beach.  Elder Willard Parks read the wedding ceremony, a double ring ceremony being used.  About 150 guests were in attendance.
            The bride's father gave her in marrage.  Her sister, Miss Helen Volz, was bridesmaid and Miss Margaret Wood, sister of the groom was maid of honor.  The groom was attended by Mr. Archie Thomas of Harbor Beach.  The ushers were Harry Volz and Burton Wood.
            The bride was gowned in white satin over which she wore a full length briadl veil and carried a bouquet of pink tea roses.  The bridesmaid was dress in yellow chiffon, and Miss Wood, the maid of honor was gowned in pale green chiffon.  Both young women carried large bouquets.
            The wedding march was played by Miss Lois Rudel, and a solo "I Love You Truly" was sang by Glen Blashill of Harbor Beach.  A wedding luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents.

            Mr. and Mrs. Wood left Sunday evening for a motor trip to Northern Michigan.  They will reside in Harbor Beach, where Mr. Wood is employed as salesman with the Milhenthaler Co.
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